Wednesday, June 19, 2019

My Ministry Moment

Today I find myself thinking about the past year and I realized just how long it took me to revisit that year. Have I grown any? This is the biggest question I ask myself. From my TODO list to my savings plan attempts, it seems that my footsteps went in reverse but then I am reminded that   “Psalm 46 says, God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. This fact alone has given me the strength to say to last year, "I will not dwell on you anymore because I live today to get it right with my Father in Heaven". Remember looking back takes up a lot of your time because of the many mistakes that we've made but thanks to God who knows our days and will guide, cover and strengthen us to learn from our mistakes so that we can take on each day.  

Ministry Moment

Years ago I saw a movie about a Billionaire and a car mechanic who were strangers until they were in the same hospital room. The two men h...